Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems or RPAS Drone Operations. Accessing areas that provide unique angles, cover locations to show access, surroundings and environment. From construction progress, site access, roof survey, site survey, inspections and general still and video production. We have extensive experience in many operational situations. With over 700 hours flight time, more than 2,500 drone operations along with 60+ hours of live broadcast flying. We run DJI aircraft, with the Mavic 3 our our main machine. From video up to 5.8k, hi resolution still images, 360’s pano’s, hyper and Timelapse options.
Drone Operations – Compliance

We know how to get access to fly in central city locations, understand the process and compliance requirements to complete operations safely, legally and successfully. It takes time and understanding of the regulations, as well as the correct certification. Our collaboration with FLYUAV ensures we are correctly trained, compliant and therefore have the necessary requirements to undertake these operations.

Access and having equipment close is critical for remote RPAS drone operations. Our 4×4 vehicle allows us access to difficult operational areas. Custom fitted out for photography and drone operations, we can take our kit off road. We have daylight visibility safety lighting, and appropriate PPE for work sites. Remote charging through our 12v electrical system, keeps us flying longer. We have site induction credentials, and experience accessing areas required for special operations.

We are proudly part of the FLYUAV team as well as a member of UAV NZ. Covering drone operations all around the the North Island, and into the South Island. FLYUAV is network of certificated pilots and specialised aircraft we have solutions for many drone operations.

Arotahi Agri Team
Drone Operations – Remote
We have extensive experience working and getting access into remote areas and large scale projects. Through our collaboration with FLYUAV, we helped the Arotahi Agri team market over 8,000ha of land on behalf of the New Zealand Redwood Company. Utilising three pilots, flying over multiple sites from the South Island, to Central North Island. Operations were done over 8 perfect days, carefully selected from January to March, to assemble hundreds of images, ground and aerial. Overall we submitted hours of hi-res video, and in excess of 600gb of data.